Forgiveness of your loan from the Paycheck Protection Program will rely upon your business following strict documentation guidelines. We're here to help.
As part of our effort to help small businesses, we're offering all PPP participants a free three (3) month subscription to help simplify your loan forgiveness submission.
Included with your free trial:
- PPP documentation checklist
- Granular file access permissions
- Easy file export and sharing controls
One central location for confidential files and communication
Accelerate your processes by standardizing and automating work flows
Automate your company's document retention policies
We use AWS to provide best-in-class service using industry-leading security protocols
"PrepDD, is playing to its strengths in order to help small businesses navigate the forgiveness phase of the Paycheck Protection Program. PrepDD provides smart workspaces used by finance teams to simplify workflows, gather information and ensure document compliance"... Read More
Kathryn Mulligan